We have a lot of brands that we work with that are a little lost on where to go with their product line.
They are either;
Just starting out and have no products
Have been at it for a few years,had some success with a few key products but not sure where to go from here
Very established brand, but want to venture into more categories to grow their brand.
This is a tough spot, as venturing into new categories can be very lucrative, or it can crush your brand financially.
When you might be ready: ✅ Customers are asking for specific products ✅ Clear vision of what items would compliment your main products ✅ Brand's product storytelling is more complete with these new products ✅ Opportunity to test market with side adjacent products ✅ Customers & retail partners are stoked to buy more from you | Road Blocks to Overcome: ❌ Unclear product expansion direction ❌ Lack of design/dev knowledge of the new products ❌ No Factory Source base to make new products ❌ No bandwidth from your team to add a new category/line ❌ No distribution opportunity / channel |
OK, but what categories work to grow??
Let's take a canvas bell tent company for example…

Case Studies:
Here are 4 examples of brands we've recently helped expand into new categories, and why it worked:

So the take-away here is, if you feel that you have the interest to expand your brand for growth, there's usually a path for your brand. You just need to find the thread that can tie it all together, as well as the skills and bandwidth in your team to knock it out of the park, as just like when the brand was launched, you don't want everyone to show up at the party to see then debut and it falls flat.
As the WERX Design team has done this for many brands over the years, and you could use some help, even just a consult call to chat about it, click the button below to link up.